Friday, March 30, 2007

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Task 14 th - How to further configure the dynamic portal to Google

Task: How to continue configuring the dynamic portal Google

time settings with the city, if you already we have added, but will add later. Let

"Add stuff" and from there to the services that appear on the left.

As "Most users" can choose what we like about what we see, just click and add automatically. I find it very useful, GMAIL (see new mail) YouTube (allows us to search for videos from here), calendar, dictionary etc. All and only what is needed.

In the rest of the list there are other services, news, tools etc. we can check if we want some. Google Picasa

In Album: Every album has its RSS . Open the album and see the lower left. Is added as any other url and we can see our pictures on our site from Google.

bar in each set is a complement X to delete, and edit option to indicate how many elements we want to display.

may have already noticed that sometimes you see a news post or complete, sometimes just a piece or owner. That's because the author restricts what shows the feed to fit on the page. Newspapers do it for publicity and gain some blogs by their own statistics. In my posts you see all, is what the reader better pair. In blogger blogs can be changed the feed to our blog in the administration of the blog on "Options" Site Feed ", there we can turn it off or showing only the first 250 characters.

You can subscribe to all posts of the course, you would be aware of the change of each. A

your choice (to go quiet lengthen the course two weeks, until May 8. Do not put more activities until the week of April 16)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bangor Me Gay Cruising

Task 13 th - solve a treasure hunt.

I chose this for Bea Marin trying to make the student aware of the relationship between knowledge and power.

I suggest doing it in a post, answering only to the big question in the text and including elements of the responses from the rest of the questions you consider necessary. Students would ask them to give us all the answers, to take better control of the activity.
not forget, as you will answer in a post, put links to some term that will enrich and complement the text.

Access from this link.

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A treasure hunt is a type of activity simple teaching used by teachers to integrate the Internet into the curriculum. A treasure hunt is a series of questions and a list of web page addresses of which can be drawn or inferred responses. Some include a "big question" at the end, which requires students to integrate knowledge acquired in the process. So defined Jordi Adell in this article explains how to build them.

In line with the considerations educational activities I did in another post, I would note:
  • The big question should never be directly answered in one of the links, we left over the rest.
  • Questions should guide and supplement the information from the big question, which is important. Sometimes he ignores her, but she lost the most creative, should not be a data search.
  • The answer to the big question, it is not the same on Power Point , word processor or a blog.
The Power Point is schematic, the processor is suitable to make it comprehensive. If we choose the post should be taught to make things clear and brief, detailing what you want on your network and go on a reference or link Comenencia. We would have to assess which is the way we are most interested or most suitable to the characteristics of which we propose. Treasure Hunts

have many, for example Don Quixote rides again , aquatic mammals, they gathered in Aula 21. I like those that integrate media such as an activity similar to treasure hunting that I raised for school: Earth lives. Contains a variant, the questions are replaced by tags, requiring that students be familiar with this type of work. Tips for building

fighters in Walk Classroom, you can apply and adapt those of others, but if you publish results indicate the source.

Difference Between Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy

treasure hunts Educational activities with ICT: some important considerations.

When it comes to using the Internet as an information source, we must distance ourselves from some traditional patterns:

  • That what matters is the content "discipline" serious mistake to underestimate the skills needed to find, develop and communicate appropriately in this way. In addition, you see, I use the term skills: apply skills in different disciplines simultaneously, as used in complex activities. What will endure is not the textbook just always, year after year, in the blue bin.
  • not realize that Google will check a hand in the information search and the result will be oblivious to the wonder that is "copy-paste, which is to be used. Make it an exercise of this type is known to have locate and select information effectively, and no demerit copy, provided that they give the link. If at the end we would not have learned anything is because it is well planned activity.
  • Ask questions and give answers contain links imitating, as is common in many textbooks: some good, but not all. Submit
  • result "Always" in a book "because at least write" a system, no, but depends on the objective.

is important that students be aware that online text is not flat, which is in layers, which links lead to each other. We must also learn to write in this way, you can even hook into your word processor.

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Second-face session of the course

face in the second session of the course is devoted to the queries of the participants and examine some aspects of the last tasks:
Finally, we look at Nireblog and publish a post. Nireblog has the peculiarity that can be discharged restricted users can not publish directly (need for supervision of the administrator) and a choice of environment in Euskera, both are interesting in the face of classroom blogs.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Chickenpox Affecting Menstrual Cycle

Task 12 th - Subscribe to educational blogs on Google Homepage and do a post

  • Homework 11 th, to learn how to configure Google Homepage.
post then read the following information:
  • Types educational blogs.
  • blogfesor: geographically locate network for educational blogs.
The task is to subscribe and have your own list of educational blogs Google Homepage, it is very important, not have to keep the blogs coming one by one to see if there is something new. It comes after, if you read a post thoroughly.

Then do a post with any difficulties or questions you have , you can add some of the blogs to which you subscribe.

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blogfesor: a network to locate geographically educational blogs

blogfesor is a network consisting of educational blogs in Tagzania , which allows teachers to find blogs that have joined the network location. In some cases (areas with higher resolution) can be traced to the building where the author lives or has established the blog.

Tagzania (from tag-Tanzania, eye ... not in Tanzania) is an application that allows to put labels on Google Maps to show what we want. We will exercise Tagzania complete the course before, now there are only going to find blogs, are almost all the most popular.
  • We enter the following address and not get a first screen with a list of blog, the final link leads to another with the first to be noted.

  • Click on the name a description that interests us. It puts us on the map the location and name should appear below the URL or link, if the author has not forgotten, as happens in some cases.

  • We zoom in on areas of good resolution by pulling the zoom of the image.
Very nice, I can not say the least, because this network blogfesor in Tagzania was my inicitiva the beginning of this year. There are some web casting and blog, but that is not serious, they have been well bastente tag. Also you can get yours.

(View album right column)

Bible Black Stream Online

Types of educational blogs

I have made a classification of posts published in Walking Classroom " Blogs for which I want " for you to have an overview of the educational value blogs.

1. A support tool to the content

Classroom Latin
(Carlos Cabanillas)
Workshop Blogs (optional 2 º ESO) (Isidro Vidal) In the column on the right are the blogs of students. Blog
languages \u200b\u200bdepartment IES Ortuella

2. An area of \u200b\u200bstudent participation (projects, activities, tasks ...)

Student Blogs
Lenguablog (IES Serrallarga)
ePlanet (science and technology (IES María de Molina)

3. A storehouse of classroom resources

The Shed
resources to work in the classroom
activities (LIM)

4. The agenda of class

Agenda of 6 º A

5. The newsletter of the activity centers

6. A vehicle for developing collaborative projects
ECOURBAN ecology issues and sustainable growth

7. A tool to support teacher training
Applications of blogs for teaching (Mario Nuñez)
Blogger @'m (Language and Literature Seminar)

8. An area of \u200b\u200bspecialized information (case)

Comunitat Catalana de WebQuest
Poetic Anthology (Ángel Puente)
Moodleblog (Aníbal de la Torre)

9. A platform for publicizing the activities of the school library
3.0 A nosa library
A S'Agulla bible

educational news bulletin

11. A space for reflection on the practice of teaching and the use of ICT

Educa't, educa'm

different PROFES BLOGS materials (some examples)

Language: Giving language
Music: Music Hall
Physics and Chemistry: Physics and Chemistry Resources and more
Adult Education: Educadultos
Training: virtual Aula_taller
Philosophy: Boulesis
Economy: Economicament
Math: Frantematicas

far above classification. I will add these Three:

ICT in Education: Educational Technology
IKT euskeraz: Ikateroak
Physical Education: Physical Education Blog

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Task 11 - Configure Google Homepage

How we read blogs?

with the addition of my personal page Google Homepage.

Blogs are not a web hierarchy, the posts are archived by date, are classified with labels that are used to look, as are updated more often, we need a tool to let us know of developments. To do this we use the rss or atom (in practice is the same) with an aggregator that read.
What we did to syndicate the blog guide in your blog was a way of introducing the subject.

What is an RSS or ATOM?

feeds are well explained in a consumer animation. Are addresses that are put into a feed aggregator, subscribe to us and give us the news.
As we saw in your posts the ATOM will default at the end, but generally become more visible and with icons as you see in the chart.

went into the dynamic portal Google. (View album right column)

feed aggregator will use the dynamic portal Google.

  • Opens new new window in your browser and enter
  • See above. If what you see is "Access" using the user name and password GMAIL. And you're inside. If you already have an open session that appears GMAIL see your email address and the "personalized home page, click on this option. When you open the first time, you will see that there is an option: "Customize it". Push it and a menu lets you add news services. Added or removed, no matter. Accepted later.
default is not signed out a couple of news services and a complement. If you're one of those news services and news you click on the WEB opens in your original, if you see the + sign next to and strike up the content is less than the videos.
Each service has a bar settings:
  • Edit: choose the number of items shown.
  • X: As always, removes the element.
  • -: it minimized.

the moment do not delete anything, we add the blog ATOM guide.

  • We click and copy the url ATOM (which appears across the bottom) of the blog guide, we can do this by opening the page and copying the url or directly by pressing with the right button and selecting "properties." We

  • portal to Google and click right on "Add stuff." Beside the search there is a tiny link "Add by URL", click and opens the form where we have to stick, add and accept.

  • We return the main page with the link we have at the top of page.
Y. .. that's it.

default are three post, if we are to be displayed more in extended edit the number.

search for other feed How to subscribe?

Look closely at images, above. In all blogs, usually places an icon in the direction of association (synonym of subscription).
When you scan blogs for "Types of blogs and one you like, find the feed icon, click it or get up and order the property, copy the url and add it to your Google Homepage. Always look for the RSS
in the side columns or down the page.

Subscribe to all blogs, digital media and news services that you really like.

addition to blogs, newspapers also have feed. For example: sight El Pais, is to choose a lot of channels, each with a kind of news. As in the Mark . This is the website of the RSS Mail , we come to it from the bottom of any page, there are three letters: RSS.

Sometimes you see a news post or complete, sometimes just a piece or owner. That's because the owner restricts the content to fit on the original page. Newspapers do it for publicity.

Lake To not do so this post, I will post in another the rest of what there is to know about the dynamic portal Google has more useful things to make it your home page.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Do It Yourself Dustpan

New face session and some Task instructions

On Tuesday 20, eve of spring, 5 to 7, at B03 will the other sessions.


content subscription is made of others, in this case is asked to be the guide in your blog: "Today going to get into the feed reader of your blog's feed the blog guide to detectéis from the change in your mine. "

Logically it makes no sense to subscribe to the blog
" on the blog itself. " Some have done well, but it's easy to fix, just change the url of the blog feed by the guide. The instructions I have put in post in bold.

In the next task we will use an aggregator, will this concept and its usefulness clear.

We have a new blog in progress, Garaizar Idoia Blog:

Thursday, March 8, 2007

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10 th - We will syndicate blog content guide

A blogs do not enter directly to see if any new developments, sometimes even read posts without actually entering. This is possible thanks to the feed (RSS or ATOM, in practice it is the same.) Next week we will customize a dynamic portal aggregator feeds, ie ability to subscribe to blogs and services available feed, such as digital media.

Today we put in the feed reader of your blog's feed the blog guide for your detectéis from the change in mine. In the column on the right is the effect, I have signed the logbook of the Galleon and a channel to distribute educational information to: Post Garrantzitsuenak. This feed reader is included in the blogs blogger, not an aggregator, it only shows the titles.

Scroll to the bottom of the blog page guide and find " Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) " , if you click a window opens and you go all the entries. Copy the URL of the page you just entered.
now access and manage your blog click "File", then "Elements of a page." "Add an item" to be in this case a FEED. Paste the address you copied and hit continue. Already see what will appear on the blog. Guarda.
The item has been added to the sidebar, you can drag the mouse to make it appear above or below your choice.

And we would have to do the last five changes to the blog guide.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Period Six Days Late Lots Of Cervical Mucus

Task 9 th - We post on a blog

The task is simple, we look at the post "Types of blogs and surf the links we find in the post or lists of links. We make an entry (remember that entry and post are synonymous) presenting a blog that we have enjoyed. More or less as I have in "Types of blogs, but with a comment a little longer.

Presenting the right way is not to put the entire address, but the name of the blog with the internal link (the icon link in the chain). You can go

placing links in the right column of your blog, but you do not need to spend. They are usually put some that we like in particular and others for reciprocity.

Then, read what others have written, this course is online learning.