Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mr Coffee Tea Maker Model Tm 3.5

Festival 2010


First of all I must say I'm proud of their behavior, their camaraderie, good vibe and assistance! I must say I am totally satisfied with the whole concert. each and every one of the bands showed high level in the stage and the public a high level in the mosh pit! I am 100% Satisfied with the whole concert! achieved the objective of the concert was to show the great musical ideas that exist in Guatemala. We did it! launch an atomic bomb !!!!!

ASSABETH : the idea of \u200b\u200bputting Assabeth in the line up was to show something different but always well done and was done on purpose, they are great musicians and showed high level, really amazing and always good music will be interesting to the public regardless of its form or its classification. And thanks to all those who started when he was playing into this band. The band surprised the audience that many believe is closed, I think it is proved otherwise.

ATROPHY: the band estubo brutal! people do not even was ready for the mosh but they were warming up with the aggressiveness of this band, took some time without seeing them live and are even better than the last time I saw, the amazing riffs! the voice of the roller LAST!! great band! and great attitude and commitment were lso first to arrive and last to leave. Great band!! excess real band! The best Grindcore having Guatemala

Photo by Winston Osorio

ZARKASMO : One of my favorite bands for a long! ! And did not disappoint! came and proposed! to the bone! All loq ue Zarkasmo expected a great live performance and long shrieks and vocalist Oliver the level of shouting! For those who doubted whether his recordings were as they sounded live, because I think it was clear the high level of the band. And I am very happy to get my hands on the Sho! one of the most anticipated albums of the year.

Photographs by Paula Rebeca Morales

BELIZE VIRUS: the band is what it is because they earn it, one of the proposals There are more brutal than in Guatemala, always showing great presence and great connection with the public, so people ask, so people will feel proud when you see very far. The live collaboration with Tato (Tentoshte) and Rolo (Atrophy) singing "Enemy of the World" was a show of unity that exists between bands, and another thing to note is that the public choreo songs and never stopped Mosher with them. A great band!

Photographs by Paula Rebeca Morales

TREATETH : months and months of preparation, completed weeks of constant testing, effort, dedication and above all a clear idea about what it means to be a band. With them we organized this festival and they will continue to host a lot of things up and always looking forward, always looking to offer something different and support those who really are struggling. I want to congratulate Joshua, Aldo, Erick, Beto and Lin mainly for having this great band from that appeared on the scene in 2008 has been innovating and reinventing what it means to be a metal band in Guatemala with actions and not words. Treateth Congratulations! I really do feel proud of you. And the visual PAST!! What better way to close this toke with the image of a Reset button

Photography by Paula Rebeca Morales

Thanks to very special and talented people:
I take to thank people who helped and supported us all along: Vivian, first: D that was part of this process, as well as people who took photographs Paula Morales, Luis peace who took video, Darkie support us at the door, La Bodeguita del Centro in space, bars that allowed us to leave flyers, Dolan and co. as they are known to Silent Poetry hehe ! I'm really looking forward to see them and unfortunately no pudimos, sin emabrgo ahi estubieron apoyandonos! Los medios de comunicación con visión que nos ayudaron como Rock Republik, Dinamo de 18-50, Reacktor.com, a los bloggers que nos publicaron DarkSlayer, Cultura en los Arboles (Cobán), Distorzion Social, Ando en Nada, etc. y principalmente un agradecimiento ENORME al tridente fundamental de un concierto: PUBLICO, BANDAS y ORGANIZACION! Todos estamos en la misma página, gracias por estar a la altura.

Recuerden señores, crean en ustedes mismos y aprovechen bien su tiempo, hay muchas cosas gratis en internet que pueden ser usadas productivamente y siempre crean en el D.I.Y.!!!! Piensen por ustedes mismos y cuestionen todo lo establecido!

Until next time!


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