Friday, June 25, 2010

Cover Letters Dental Hyeien

Assabeth in Attitude Mass Mass Dementia


We take a short break to regain power after Saturday's concert, but we're back and now we are preparing further gathering photographic and video material to present the stage "post-dementia" of this blog. Certainly the concert was over! So stay tuned to the blog because we will be featuring photos, videos, interviews, events and reviews on the presentations of the bands in the festival. As far also motivate us to give us their comments. Dementia
The project began with an idea which still prevails in our actions, and is seeing ever onward and ever upward with the few resources they have at hand, from physical to those found free in the cyberspace, which by the way are many. We wanted to present something of the manner in which we would have liked to see if we paid to see local bands, because I am a strong supporter of the Guatemalan music and have seen countless bands and projects Recent in vivo and even I have encountered many things that far exceed many international proposals, both live and on recordings, and we wanted to show that in Guatemala if they can do things if you have the vision and approach to be taken to another level cronyism without resorting to formulas and spent media that engage creative control, nor have need to exploit the "Chapin" to attract the public, simply because it is not our style, and believe that the human mind has limits and can find an audience for everything, even for what is still lacking. Nothing is written and the only constant is change, the bases is to propose and question the supposed limits.
The public wants to see musicians and musicians want to be seen. Remember to do things yourself, and neck are ordered to surrender! David


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