Mesoamerican Society for Ecological Economics
1st International Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Ecological Economics
Thought Transcending Barriers: Ecological Economics
24 to 26 November 2010
Mexico City, Xochimilco Ecological Park.
Facing the crisis of civilization, distributional conflicts and environmental degradation, it is essential to promote studies postnormal and transdisciplinary offering a critical view of society and practicable solutions to environmental conflict resolution, economic and political. Therefore, the study and dissemination of ecological economics is of transcendental importance. This alternative paradigm offers a heterodox economic theory to include environmental and social problems in the analysis. Among its main features are inclusive proposals, which allow an approach to solving the social crisis, environmental and economic generated by a model-driven development overuse and irreversible deterioration of the natural resource base, by empowering communities and civil society organizations. Front the domain of neoclassical methodology to examine the global crisis, convened a meeting to help advance the theoretical and methodological alternative paradigm.
In this perspective, General Objective of the conference is:
generate a space for discussion about the theoretical and methodological in Mesoamerica and the application of ecological economics emerging as knowledge to promote social justice and the principles of sustainability.
Specific Objectives
v provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and proposals for ecological economics. How has interpreted this to know?, What are their contributions? What are its theoretical and methodological shortcomings?
v Promote debate on the epistemological importance and instruments to incorporate perspectives that promote understanding of environmental complexity in analysis economic, including post-normal science and dialectical thinking.
v promote debate on the proposed eco-political economy, Marxism, ecological and environmental policy where are we going?
v promote the exchange and debate between researchers interested in ecological economics.
v exchange experiences on the implementation of these transdisciplinary within the framework of reality and Mesoamerican collective action and participatory.
are invited professors, researchers, students and stakeholders to participate with papers relating to some of the topics for discussion.
Special Call Young Researchers To
v It invites young researchers (under 35 years) to present their work in any issues.
§ show at a period of 20 minutes.
§ be established for this mode special tables.
§ needed to develop an abstract for distribution to the audience at the time of submission.
1. Epistemological to promote theoretical and methodological construction of ecological economics.
2. Approaches inter / trans-disciplinary to contribute to economic analysis and resolution of environmental conflicts, including political ecology.
3. Formulation of economic strategies that contribute to the construction alternatives to address environmental problems and social inequality.
4. The allocation and management of natural resources from the approach of ecological economics, with special emphasis on intergenerational equity, environmental ethics (ecological debt, environmental liabilities) and social justice.
5. Decrease as political action to solve the environmental problems that generate conflict.
6. economic and cultural assessment as a tool for solving environmental problems that generate conflict.
7. Mesoamerican Building an environmental history as a tool for solving environmental problems that generate conflict.
8. implementation experiences of ecological economics at the community level and civil society organizations.
Delivery of a summary in English or English: (August 31, 2010 )
Each abstract should contain:
- Title of document
- and email address
- No exceed 600 words
- Keywords: three to five
By submitting an abstract for placed on the author's last issue, followed by Congress: example; BarkinCongreso
complete document delivery (October 15, 2010)
The document should not contain more than 6,000 words . The abstract should be submitted in English and English and full papers may be submitted in either of these two languages, and sent the following email:
Selection committee:
v a lecture will be presented daily.
v All submissions will be supported by a written document, available on the website of the event one week in advance, will be organized roundtable sessions where there will be discussion between the panelists and the audience about subjects prepared.
§ individual papers will not be made.
v Documents prepared by the participants to the tables only serve as a guide for discussion.
v Presenters who wish may promote their books during the three day event.
Important Dates
v Abstract submission until 31 August 2010 ; response of acceptance September 10, 2010.
v complete document delivery with the documents for the round tables: October 15, 2010.
v The papers will be submitted to the Selection Committee:
v Register Support for the general public and reports:
Phone 5483-7100, ext. 3512 and
v record will be given curricular value to participants.
this mode is available for anyone wishing to present their work in the form of poster, posters not exceed the dimensions: 120 mm long and 90 mm wide. Abstract is necessary to send in dates.
Xochimilco Ecological Park
Recovery Fees
$ 150 USD for participants with paper
$ 125 USD Participants
$ 100 Students and General Public
Note: If the recovery rate has not been covered before October 15 these fees increase by 50%.
Two field trips:
Visit Morelia by the Center for Ecosystems Research (before Congress)
Reports: Eduardo García Frapolli; garcia.frapolli @
Visit Veracruz by Universidad Veracruzana, Tropical Ecology graduate (post-conference)
Reports: Evodia Silva esilva.rivera @
More Information :
Mesoamerican Society for Ecological Economics
Refresher Course for Ecological Economics
22 and November 23, 2010
practice and in-depth study of alternative proposals that promote social and environmental equity are of vital importance for the decline in many social crisis being experienced around the world. Thus the course of Ecological Economics Update general aims:
offer and promote a studio space of the main contributions new studies of Ecological Economics and complementary alternative paradigms.
Social Economy, Development and Ecological
Participatory Environmental History
Multicriteria Evaluation and Conflict Resolution Environmental
Ecological Debt, Environmental Liabilities and Resettlement Costs and Benefits of Social and Environmental Development.
From 9:00 to 13:00, an expert on the subject teach the course.
De 15:00 to 19:00, there will be discussion and study of the recommended readings for the course.
is necessary to send a letter memorandum exhibiting, through the regular process of acceptance of papers for the Congress, along with a brief professional biographical sketch. Must include: Name, Institution and Email.
and Attendance Record Reports:
Phone 5483-7100, ext. 3512 and
By sending the letter in favor of placing the author's last issue, followed by course: example; BarkinCurso
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco
$ 50 USD Overall
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