http://miradasdetigre.blogspot . com
723 0720
Torcuatenses All: We remember our beloved 723?, How many of you have traveled in those groups when it rained, water leaked everywhere?, but over time the company grew and was thinking of us renovating their units, if they managed to give us a decent service. How many of us have gone free, because we already knew their drivers?, Nice time even though we have sometimes complained about it. But now? We are hostages of the monopoly created by officials should ensure our rights, Monopoly Motsa managed by a company that is changed but character remains the same Scota of when I was a kid, the only thing that has changed are the groups, because their service is as deplorable as before. We, only we know what we suffer daily with this company, you expect more than 40 minutes, changes of routes, not who's authorized to make the overnight, not import them that this conflict brings. As we explained our late arrivals are the fault of the group?, Because we have to be treated like cattle?, Go tight because the driver paid off to bring as many people as possible, do not feel hostage? Do not feel that our demands are not heard by officials that the company should monitor compliance, and to provide the service, which made us to believe that they would give? People try to raise the voice against Motsa, so that our dirijentes hear our demands, because they are where they are because we choose to represent us. Raise our voices to achieve change, we deserve it! Let us say NO TO MONOPOLY IN Torcuato MOTS!
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