Thursday, December 30, 2010

Astrology Models Webcam


CIVIC COALITION WAS-ARI the only block that rejects
On Monday December 27 at the City Council dealt with the budget by 2011, resulting adopted by 23 affirmative votes and negative feedback DC-ARI Block.
Among the arguments for rejection raised by Councilman Luis Cancel, who had no justification by the ruling party, were:
Ø Increased 230% of expenditure allocated to the Unit Superintendent, who went from $ 1,500,000 to $ 5,000,000
Ø The increase of 140% for Institutional Relations reaching para el 2011 la suma de $ 23.300.000, con inversiones en Turismo de $ 10.230.000 y Comunicaciones Institucionales por $ 7.780.000, incluyéndose un monto de casi $ 5.000.000 en Publicidad
Ø     El incumplimiento del compromiso asumido en el presupuesto 2010 de construir 6 edificios educativos, a pesar de la recaudación por tal concepto de más de $ 28.500.000
Ø     Los fuertes incrementos en las tasas que afectarán a los contribuyentes del Distrito, como así también la aplicación at rate of 3% on the amount of gas bills
Ø investments with municipal funds on access roads to gated communities, committed infrastructure and ignored by real estate development companies
Ø Inadequate relationship between the amount allocated for Civil Protection (a specific area of \u200b\u200bsecurity) $ 30,000,000 and resources Control of Urban and Environmental Management of only $ 4,300,000, which makes it impossible to make necessary investments in technology and human resources to ensure the protection of nature and environmental safety of the residents of District
Ø The political decision to reverse the current administration in non-priority areas to improve the quality of life of our community
Ø The increase in staff costs coupled with leads to a lower debt capacity of the administration For municipal works and services with their own funds
Cancel Councilman said "the expansion in the calculation of resources is closely linked to increases in rates and tax burden to the detriment of sustainable development the economy of our community, "

diffusion is appreciated. We are available to expand what is considered relevant. Thank you very much
Pablo Merlo (15) 6622-6416
Block Sec


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