Metal Abomination with Belize and Zarkasmo Virus [July 24 in San Marcos]
Well, to go bouncing and bouncing blog experience Dementia Mass (until we do again), I will leave
with the next concerts of some of the bands that might be within the toke. METAL
Abomination in San Marcos [July 24]
Zarkasmo (Xela)
Virus Belize (Guatemala)
Necrophilia (San Marcos)
Devilish Mind (SC)
Here I leave with the first recommendation, this concert will be in San Marcos and is organizing the band's friend Tentoshte Tatus. The concert promises to be the 1st of a number of tokes in San Marcos, will be announced the following.
So here I leave the flyer!
if they are or live there in the western area of \u200b\u200bGuatemala, I recommend a lot to attend, bands are not to lose, and remember to support your local bands!
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