Monday, October 27, 2008

Dental Hygienist Program Army

League'08 HTML. Structure of a document.

All content an HTML document must be encompassed within the directive \u0026lt;HTML> closed ...\u0026lt;/ HTML>. This tells the browser we're using all that lies between these two marcacs is HTML and should be interpreted as such. The directive \u0026lt;HTML>
...\u0026lt;/ HTML> contains within 2 blocks: \u0026lt;HEAD> ...\u0026lt;/ HEAD> it is the policy that says the document header and \u0026lt;BODY> ...\u0026lt;/ BODY>, which contains the body of the document or to understand what we display in the browser with the appropriate format. In summary an HTML file would be of the form:

\u0026lt;HEAD> \u0026lt;BODY>
\u0026lt;/ BODY>
\u0026lt;/ HTML>


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