Thursday, November 20, 2008

Measles Are They Itchy

HTML. \u0026lt;HEAD> Label.

The label defines the header of the document and contains information that is not shown, about its characteristics.

The information provided in the header is defined by these tags:

\u0026lt;TITLE>: Title of the document.

\u0026lt;META>: Metadata is information vague information about the rebundancia xD contain hidden information about the document through attributes. So used by browsers to classify the page. Metadata about the content, subject, author ... etc. to help more people find your site by web browsers. The information can be extracted automatically by the main robots, databases and automated indexing of web pages that exist on the internet.

written like this:
\u0026lt;meta name="nombre-propiedad" content="valor-propiedad" scheme="esquema-datos" lang="idioma" dir="dirección-del-texto">

No there are rules on the information can be included within the metatags. With the standard defined html have a structure but not the contents, so that we could invent our own values.

attributes are: ■

name = "author Robots: help index page. In content can be placed as values: index to indicate the search robot is an index page and added to the database. All that indicates that all pages are indexed. Follow says you have to follow all the links at the page. As we have opposite actions noindex and nofollow. \u0026lt;meta

name = content = "index,all,follow">
● revisit-after: Specifies how often (in days) have to index the web. \u0026lt;meta

name = content = "13 day"> "revisit-after"

● refresh: Specifies the URL and the time in seconds for the browser to refresh the page and redirect to another. \u0026lt;meta

name = content = "0;url="http.//">
■ content: This specifies the contents of the label: the name of the author, document description or keywords, depending on the type of goal that is.

■ lang: Here you specify the language

can also put this another way:

\u0026lt;meta http-equiv = "header-name- http "content =" value "header">


■ http-equiv: the equivalent of the name. ■

content: the content equivalent to the previous xD.

META tags are empty tags. Begin and end at the same point, so we should not close with \u0026lt;/ META>

\u0026lt;TITLE> An example of head \u0026lt;/ TITLE>
name="author" \u0026lt;META content="ekpucha" lang = "es">
\u0026lt;META name="description" content="Google's head"> label
\u0026lt;META name = "keywords" content = "HTML, Tutorials, Programming">
\u0026lt;/ HEAD>

Robots (spiders (spiders), crawlers or crawlers): Programs that recorrern the web automatically and seek legal texts, or HTML documents other format, that include certain words. These texts together with URLs that contain them, are indexed and stored in databases for search engines, direct your inquiries there. These robots, time travel every few pages to find incorparación modifications or new words.

If you want more information on how to add your site to search engines look at the entry "Put your

blog search engine "

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sample Repossession Letter

ETpro. Remove ETproGUID and PBGUID

To take the PBGUID ETproGUID and we have to go to an empty server to work with ETpro mode.
Once we're inside we get console and enter the following commands one one ...

/ clear
/ cheaters
/ pb_myguid Staying on screen something like this.

After that we go to the directory where you installed ET look in the etpro folder the file will open misguids.txt
At what we saw in the console in text format and you just when we need a copy and paste.

default link to the file: GUIDS
C: \\ Program Files \\ Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory \\ etpro \\ misguids.txt

Free Camper Bill Of Sale Form

ETpro: ESL Winter

going to start the Winter League '08 ET ESL, where there will be 6on6 , 3on3 and 1on1 and diviran was initially formed in three divisions according to the results in ESL and other competitions.


team here!
1 part per week, every Sunday last and Forced
Only players with Pro ET PB Guid registered in ESL are allowed to play
Best of three (2 Maps and Decider if necessary) Groupstage: Force Maps (Decider free choice) Play offs: Map of Free Choice, to be decided after Cointoss
Cointoss: First start to eliminate the 1 st map, the losing side determines the Decider (Axis / Allies) Each team has a wildcard into the groupstage Config: With the start of this winter season, and that will present the new configuration! Be announced in the next Newspost. So stay tuned!


registration: November 1, 2008

Entry deadline: November 21, 2008 6on6

Start: November 24, 2008
Teams: Unlimited
Divisions: 3

Groupstage: 4 / 8 Groups Each Division Playoffs: 1st and 2nd of Each Group
Playoffs: 8 / 16 Teams Double Elimination Bracket

° SW Goldrush TE
· Bremen (b2)
· Supply
· Radar
· SP Delivery TE
· Adlernest
· Frostbite

to 7 people.
1 - 3 Months
Premium Pack 2 - 2 Months
Premium Pack 3 - Premium Pack 1 Month
Approximate value: 130 €



registration: November 1, 2008

Entry deadline: November 21, 2008 3on3

Start: November 24, 2008
Teams: Unlimited
Divisions: 3

Groupstage: 4 / 8 Groups Each Division Playoffs: 1st and 2nd of Each Group
Playoffs: 8 / 16 Teams Double Elimination Bracket

° SW Goldrush TE
° and Ice
· Braundorf ( b4)
· Supply
· SP Delivery Frostbite TE

Serves 4.
1 - 3 Month Premium Pack
2 - 2 Months Premium Pack
3 - 1 Month Premium Pack
Estimated value: 80 €


Top Registration: November 1, 2008

Entry deadline: November 21, 2008 1on1

Start: November 24, 2008
Teams: 32/64 slots

CUP Mode: Double Elimination
Maps: · ctf_multi
· ctf_well
· mp_sillyctf
· multi_huntplace
· te_valhalla

For 1 person.
1 - 3 Month Premium Pack
2 - 2 Months Premium Pack
3 - 1 Month Premium Pack
Estimated value: 18 €